Recognize Mold and Remove it with Grimebusters!

Mold infiltration in your commercial or residential property is a serious health concern. That’s why mold removal is mandatory and government regulated. Mold has the potential to damage people and pets’ immune systems; that’s why it’s vital to...

5 Biohazards Grimebusters Can Conquer

When we think of biohazards, our imaginations often bring up horror movie images. However, biohazards aren’t restricted to films; unfortunately, they usually exist closer to home than what is safe or comfortable. Suppose a biohazard is discovered on your...

Steps to Take Following a House Fire

A house fire is a terrifying experience that can cause real damage to your home, family, possessions, and mental health. Following a house fire, it can be incredibly confusing as to what to do next. Restoring your Edmonton home after a fire can be an overwhelming...