
Professional Tear Gas Cleaning & Residue Removal

If your residence is unfortunate enough to encounter tear gas, it’s likely that you’ve tried all of the cleaning tips you’ve found online. The next step is to contact a professional cleaning service in your area to tackle the job for you. For over 30 years,...

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The Dangers of Mould Removal: Never DIY This

Spotting mould in your home can be scary, especially if it is black mould. You may be tempted to forgo contacting your landlord, property owner, or a professional cleaning company to deal with it, but please address the problem quickly. For people with asthma or...

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Rating Risk Factors in the Home: Hoarding

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars Comments: Depending on severity and type, hoarding can be odorous, physically dangerous, mentally exhausting, and strain close relationships. Is it common in Edmonton? Hoarding affects people all over the world, including people...

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Rating Risk Factors in the Home: Asbestos

Summary Rating: 2 out of 5 stars Comments: Bad for humans, pets, and the environment; dangerous to remove without proper precautions. Is it common in Edmonton? Yes, in homes built before 1991. For homes in Edmonton that were built in 1991 or earlier,...

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Get Ready for Winter with Commercial Deep Cleaning Services

When the Edmonton air starts getting colder, it’s time to start preparing for the upcoming months. In our 30 years of service, Grimebusters has helped many commercial and residential businesses prepare for the cold months ahead. If you’re wondering how you can get...

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Pressure Wash Your Garage Before Listing!

Homeowners are looking to get the best deal for their home. The most important aspect of staging a home is the cleanliness of it. While removing many items is the first step, a thorough cleaning is typically the next priority. That includes the garage! Albertan...

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Commercial Junk Removal in Edmonton: Where Does it Go?

As residences and commercial businesses in Canada, we have successfully diverted over 10 million tonnes of waste in 2022 alone. To do our part in ensuring reusable, recyclable or compostable materials do not reach landfills, Grimebusters uses dedicated facilities...

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