The Dangers of Mould Removal: Never DIY This
Posted By Sep 11, 2024
by atriumadmin

Spotting mould in your home can be scary, especially if it is black mould. You may be tempted to forgo contacting your landlord, property owner, or a professional cleaning company to deal with it, but please address the problem quickly. For people with asthma or allergies, living in a home with mould can lead to serious health concerns if not addressed. 

Grimebusters has been doing mould remediation in Edmonton for years, and we’ve seen how bad people are willing to let it get. Often, this is because of misconceptions they have about mould. We’ve listed some of those misconceptions below and explained the truth behind each. If you are facing mould in your home, please read below and contact us if you have any questions. 

Danger #1: “I can scrub it away with bleach.”

Bleach does not get rid of mould. It may kill the visible mould on the surface, but mould operates like an iceberg: what you see is only a percentage of the whole organism. Yes, bleach will rid the walls of spores—unfortunately, it will just grow back. In the meantime, you and the household are still living in a home with airborne toxins.

Danger #2: “I can dry the walls with a fan after a flood.”

If your home just experienced a flood, turning a fan on the walls will not solve the problem. It may dry the paint on the wall, but depending on the degree of water damage, mould may still develop. Water leaks into the nooks, crannies, and pores of the room and can cause unseen damage. 

Danger #3: “It’s just a little spot.”

As we stated earlier, the mould you see is not the extent of the damage. In most cases, the mould that you see in the corner of the room stems from a membrane deeper inside the walls. Likely the amount of damage that you are seeing is only a small fraction of what is there. 

Let’s say the mould spot is not very big. Home remedies are not completely effective in mould remediation, and leaving the underlying issue will allow that spot to grow into a bigger issue. Plus, even small patches of visible mould have health effects. 

Danger #4: “It’s contained in one room.”

Mould spores are incredibly small and lightweight, which allows them to become airborne and spread throughout any space easily. That’s why Grimebusters uses negative air machines and containment devices when we do mould remediation. Mould is challenging to contain and control, as it can infiltrate areas that may seem safe or out of reach. Our team has the necessary certifications and PPE needed to safely and effectively contain and remove mould. We will bring along all of our heavy-duty equipment to ensure a thorough job. 

Don’t DIY Mould Remediation. Call A Local Expert.

Based in Edmonton, Alberta, Grimebusters is how you can rid your home of mould completely. With the help of Grimebusters’ proven mould remediation services, you can have peace of mind knowing that your home or business is free from mould and the associated health risks. Contact Grimebusters today and let our expert team get started with your mould remediation.