Rating Risk Factors in the Home: Hoarding
Posted By Sep 5, 2024
by atriumadmin

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars

Comments: Depending on severity and type, hoarding can be odorous, physically dangerous, mentally exhausting, and strain close relationships.

Is it common in Edmonton? Hoarding affects people all over the world, including people in Edmonton.

What is Hoarding?

Hoarding is the action of retaining items over an extended period due to a hoarding disorder. People afflicted with hoarding disorder have a difficult time parting with objects, despite the danger it can cause to themselves and others. People who hoard often live in cramped quarters where the accumulated items crowd every area of the home, garage, yard, and more.

Hoarding cases range from mild to severe. A mild case may see a hoarder who is able to function normally, but in severe cases, hoarders may not have a job, money, or connections with family and friends as a result of their hoarding. 

Health Concerns of Hoarding

There are many reasons why hoarding is physically dangerous. The air may become unhealthy to breathe in, and access becomes limited for potential emergency services to reach people inside the home. Rotting foods, piles of garbage, and even human feces may exist in the space—which is not only a breeding ground for harmful bacteria but may attract unwanted pests like cockroaches and mice. These critters may bring further diseases into the home. As well, those living inside a home cluttered to this extent are at an increased risk of objects toppling over on them, the person falling over something, and fire hazards. Besides the physical, there are many mental effects of hoarding. Loneliness, isolation, and tension in family and friend relationships are just a few. 

In Edmonton in 2018, 10% of hoarders faced eviction. With the housing market steadily fluctuating with inflation, home insecurity is more prevalent than ever. The Edmonton Hoarding Coalition makes it easier to find the resources and help you need to help your loved one keep their home and stay healthy. 

How to Help Someone Who is a Hoarder

The main thing you can do is to urge the person to get professional help. There are many resources available for both supporters and hoarders to get through the disorder. Being kind and patient with the person struggling is the best thing that people in the hoarder’s life can do. If the person is sensitive to change, you may not be able to make headway on your own. Hoarding cleanup often means facing biohazards, physical dangers, and toxic fumes. For these reasons, we urge you to contact someone with experience and equipment to clean the home. Call a team like Grimebusters to assist in the cleaning efforts.

When it comes to making the home a suitable environment, Grimebusters is here to help. Our compassionate cleaning services include discreet removal of items as much as we are able. For over 30 years, we have been assisting those in need of cleaning services in the Edmonton area with our extensive list of cleaning services. Contact us today to book your appointment.